Train tickets are not on sale for this date yet. Please leave search request and be the first to know when they appear!
  • Your journey:
  • , 28.03.2020
  • 1 Choose the train for which tickets are available
  • 2 Choose what seats we should search for you
  • 3 Tick the variant of our response when the seats become available

Tick the trains that suit you

Prices start at:

Select the parameters that suit you

  • Number of passengers
  • Departure time selection

    If there appear available seats on several trains simultaneously, what time will suit you most?
  • Carriage class
  • Seating options
  • Select a price

    If there appear available seats in different carriage types simultaneously, what price will suit you most?
  • Track tickets until

    We search for tickets before the date you entered

When the tickets are available for purchase, I want you to:

When there appears an available ticket, we will SMS and/or email you

You only need to follow the link from the email

Book and pay for the ticket within 25 minutes

Email notification

It's free

SMS to

It's free
Enter the characters in the image
* is not liable for the fact that the requested tickets have been already sold by the time when you view the message.

How it works

  • Leave the request for search and point out what to do when the ticket appears: buy the ticket, book it for 25 minutes or send you SMS and email with the notification
  • We will regularly check whether the necessary tickets are available for sale. As soon as they appear, we will buy the ticket or send you SMS and email
  • If you ordered the tickets purchase, they will be sent to your email. If you ordered email notification and seats booking options, go to the website by following the link from the received email
  • Pay for your ticket within 25 minutes or book it